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Nepra reduces power tariffs

ISLAMABAD: The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) has announced a nationwide electricity price reduction for consumers under the monthly fuel charge adjustment.

According to the official notification, the national average fuel charges adjustment (FCA) has been reduced by Rs2.1240 per unit, bringing the actual fuel cost to Rs10.8860 per unit from the earlier reference rate of Rs13.01.

The electricity rates for consumers of KE in Karachi have been reduced by Rs3 per unit.

In contrast, rates for consumers in other parts of the country have been lowered by Rs2.12 per unit, said a notification.

Nepra issued separate notifications for the adjustments, stating that consumers will receive the relief in their March electricity bills.

The reduction for K-Electric consumers is based on the December 2024 monthly adjustment, while the decrease for other consumers nationwide is applied under the January adjustment.

This FCA reduction applies to most categories except lifeline, protected, electric vehicle charging stations (EVCS) and prepaid consumers.

Last month, the federal government announced reinstating the benefits of fuel cost adjustments for electricity consumers using up to 300 units and agricultural tube wells, aiming to ease the financial burden on households and farmers.

The benent ofreduced fuel adjustment charges was initially stopped for consumers using up to 300 units in June 2015, according to a spokesperson of the Power Division.

Nepra has directed exWapda distribution companies to ensure compliance with court orders while implementing the new rates.-APP