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About Ramazan

IN her letter (May 18), a lady raised a very pertinent point about eating and drinking in public during Ramazan. She pointed out that we had no right to make a law on that score. I not only agree with her, I also ask whether it is justified to offer Taraveeh prayers on roads.

How can you block roads and create traffic jams because you have to offer prayer? Let us note that prayer is one`s affair between an individual and his or her Creator. Why should we interfere with their errands? Surely, those not offering the Taraveeh prayers are not there on the street for wrong reasons. They have legitimate reasons -like going to work for a night restaurant or at harbour, airport, etc. Why should they be punished? In fact some of them may be better Muslims. Just a thought for a society which discourages thinking.

Rafiq Isani Hyderabad