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Chinese language centres to be set up in four districts

Bureau Report 2017-08-07
PESHAWAR: Chief Minister Pervez Khattak has agreedto aproposalforestablishing Chinese language centres in Peshawar, Abbottabad, Haripur and Mansehra in the backdrop of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.

Presiding over the 36th meeting of the board of directors of Frontier Education Foundation at the Chief Minister Secretariat here, Mr Khattak said that in the second phase such centres would be established in the southern districts and Malakand division that would enable the youth to benefit from CPEC and contribute to the process of development in the province.

According to a statement issued here, provincial minister for finance Muzaffar Said, advisor to chief minister on higher education Mushtaq Ahmad Ghani, secretary higher education and others attended the meeting.The chief minister approved the release of Rs284 million grant to the Frontier Education Foundation. He also approve d the upgradation of posts from BPS-16 to BPS-17 to the master`s degree holders and scholarships out of the endowment fund. He directed to evolve a strategy to financially support the private colleges in areas where there was shortage of public sector colleges.

Mr Khattak said that the government wanted to promote education in backward areas.

The meeting discussed Khyber Pakhtunkhwa China Economic Cooperation Plan and different strategies, budget estimates of the foundation and future plan for financial help to private educational institutions.

It was told about the student scholarships from different Chinese Universities, adding that 100 scholarships had been arranged in the Shangdong Normal University and the scholars would be sentin September.

The scholars have been given 50 per cent concession in tuition and residential fee.

In Harbin Engineering University and Shanghai University 100 each scholarships on the same pattern have been given while 40 scholarships are ready in the Tianjin Modern Vocational Technology College for diploma.

It was also added that the belt and road commercial company had also offered vocational, technical and professional training. In this regard, 300 students who got scholarships would be sent to China after a special event this month.

The meeting was told that of the four centres three of Peshawar, Abbottabad and Haripur would be made functional by Aug 10.

The chief minister was informed that census of the private education sector would be held in 14 districts of the province in the first phase.