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Burdening the burdened

THE relevant testing agency recently announcedtheresults oftestsconducted for government jobs ranging from BPS-5 to BPS-15 in the graduation category.

The tests were conducted despite the Sindh High Court order asking the Sindh government to refrain from conducting multiple tests for different job positions, as it makes candidates bear significant expenses in the name of challan fee.

Instead,the courthad ordered thata single test should be conducted, and job appointments should be made based on the result ofthattestalone.The validity of the test was set at three years. One of the primary objectives of such a policy was to free the aspirants from unnecessary financial burden.

Recently, over 10 different departments announced vacancies, and candidates who appeared in the graduation category test are eligible to apply by submitting their documents along with their test results.

As one of the candidates, I went to a photocopy shop to make 10 sets of document copies, which cost me approximately Rs900. Additionally, I visited a photo studio for passport-sized photographs, for which I was charged Rs200. However, I soon realised that there would be courier charges of about Rs300 per shipment, and since I needed to send multiple sets of documents for these positions, it would cost me about Rs3,000. Overall, the job application process in just one week has cost me approximately Rs5,000. This is being done by the provincial government to unemployed people who have no source of income.

The question is simple: why do they not allow candidates to fill out application forms online? If a candidate is selected, they can then submit their documents in person at the office. More than50,000 candidatesin Sindhhave passed the graduation category test, which means that approximately 50,000 people will have done what I did. This number will significantly increase if we consider 10 positions, resulting in 500,000 shipments through courier services. Does it make any sense? I must say that if the authorities concerned cannot provide relief to the jobless for whatever reason, they should at least not increase the mental anguish and agony of the masses.

Name withheld on request Hyderabad