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Report on deadlock

LAKE SUCCESS: The United Nations Security Council today [Feb 7] received from General A.G.L. McNaughton, of Canada, an 18-page report on the task entrusted to him in December of finding a `middle way` in the Kashmir deadlock. Gen McNaughton himself was not present to read the report and it was presented to the Council by the President, Mr Carlos Blanco, of Cuba. The report produced the replies of India and Pakistan to the demilitarisation proposal made by Gen McNaughton on Dec 22, 1949, the amendments suggested by each Government to the proposals, the comments of other Governments on them, and two pages of Gen McNaughton`s final remarks.

... In the concluding part of his report, Gen McNaughton said: `In the absence of clear evidence that further mediation by men would seem likely to assist the Governments of India and Pakistan toward an agreed course of action, I do not believe that further activity on my part would serve any useful purpose. ... It is my view that the further procedure to settle this dispute should be determined by the Security Council.` News agencies