Punjab warns against charity for 84 banned outfits
By Our Staff Reporter
LAHORE: The Punjab home department on Friday released a list of 84 proscribed organisations and urged citizens not to give charity to these unregistered and banned entities.
`Providing any kind of assistance to banned organisations is a crime under the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997, the Punjab governmentstatement said.
It added that those assisting banned organisations involved in terrorism and anti-state activities would be punished by the law.
`Registration with the Punjab Charity Commission is mandatory for charitable organisations in Punjab, the statement continued.
Citizens should give their zakat, charity and donations only to organisations registered with the Punjab Charity Commission, the Punjab government said, adding that all registered organisations can be verified through the QR code on their certificates.
A home department spokesman said law enforcement agencies were on alert to apprehend those funding proscribed and unregis-tered orgnisations.
The spokesman said that people can also lodge complaints against the unregistered organistions, and find out more details at the website www.charitycommission.punjab.gov.pk.
The banned outfits listed by the Punjab government include: Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LJ) Sipah-i-MuhammadPakistan Jaish-e-Muhammad, and its offshoots Al-Rehmat Trust, Bahawalpur and Al-Furgan Trust Karachi Lashkar-e-Taiba (LT) Sipah-i-Sahaba Pakistan Tehreek-i-Jafaria Pakistan Tehreek-i-Nifaz-i-Shariati-Muhammad (TNSM) Tehreek-i-Islami Al Qaeda Millat-i-Islamia Pakistan (formerly SSP) Khuddam-i-Islam Islami Tehreek-i-Pakistan (formerly TJP) Jamiat-i-Ansar Jamaat-i-Furgan Hizbut Tahrir Khair Al-NaasInternational Trust (subsidiary of JuD) Balochistan Liberation Army Islamic Students Movement of Pakistan Lashkar-i-Islami Ansarul Islam, Haji Namdar Group Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan Balochistan Republican Army Balochistan Liberation Front Lashkar-i-Balochistan Balochistan Liberation United Front Balochistan Musallah Difa Tanzeem Shia Students Action Committee Gilgit Markazi Sabeel Organisation Gilgit Tanzeem Naujawanan-i-Ahle Sunnat Gilgit People`s Aman Committee Lyari Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat Al Haramain Foundation Rabta Trust Anjuman Imamia Gilgit-Baltistan Muslim Students Organisation Gilgit Tanzeem Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat Gilgit Balochistan Bunyaad Parast Army Tehreek-i-Nafaz-i-Aman Tahafuz Hudoodullah Balochistan Waja Liberation Army Baloch Republican Party Azad Balochistan United Army Islam Mujahideen Jaishul Islam Balochistan National Liberation Army Khana Hikmat Gilgit-Baltistan Tehreek-i-Taliban Swat Tehreek-i-Taliban Mohmand Tariq Geedar Group Abdullah Azzam Brigade East Turkmenistan Islamic Movement Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan Islamic Jihad Union 313 Brigade Tehreek-i-Taliban Bajaur Amar Bil Maroof Wa Nahi Anal Munkir (Haji Namdar Group) Balochistan Student Organisation Azad United Baloch Army Jeey Sindh Muttahida Mahaz Daesh / ISIS / IS / ISIL Jamaatul Ahrar Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Al-Alami Ansarul Hussain Tehreek Azadi Jammu and Kashmir Jundullah Jamaatud Dawa (JuD) and its subsidiaries Anfal Trust Lahore, Idara Khidmat-i-Khalq Lahore, Al-Dawa-ul-Irshad Lahore, Al-HamdTrust Lahore/Faisalabad, Mosques and Welfare Trust Lahore, Al-Madinah Foundation Lahore, and Maaz Bin Jabal Educational Trust Lahore Falah-i-Insaniyat Foundation Al-Fazl Foundation/Trust Lahore Al-Esaar Foundation Lahore Hizbul Ahrar Pak-Turk International CAG Education Foundation Balochistan Raaji Aajoi Sangar (BRAS) Jeay Sindh Qaumi Mahaz Sindhu Desh Revolutionary Army Sindhu Desh Liberation Army Khatamul Anbiya Ghazi Force Ghulaman-i-Sahaba Maymar Trust Sachal Sarmast Welfare Trust Karachi Al Jaza Patient Welfare Society Karachi Al Akhtar Trust Al Rashid Trust