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Egyptian plan

S the Gaza ceasefire faces an uncertain future, the Arab world has endorsed a new proposal for the occupied Palestinian territory`s governance and rebuilding to counter Donald Trump`s monstrous `Riviera` plan. Hammered out by the Egyptians, the Arab League has supported the plan that seeks an administrative committee for the devastated Strip, while envisioning a multibillion-dollar reconstruction of Gaza without removing its Palestinian inhabitants. As opposed to this, the Trumpian scheme proposes shipping the Gazans off to other Arab states as their homeland is transformed into a garish real estate project, overseen by the US. The Egyptian plan is a definite improvement over this hideous proposition, though many questions remain. The US has rejected it, with an official stating that `President Trump stands by his vision` for a Gaza `free from Hamas`. In fact, Mr Trump again threatened Gaza`s people with extermination unless the Israeli hostages were released.

Where the future of Gaza and all the occupied Palestinian territories is concerned, it is the Palestinians who should decide the fate of their land. Keeping this principle in mind, Mr Trump`s plan is a non-starter, and should be consigned to the dustbin. The Egyptian plan can be implemented, but realistically speaking, there are too many variables involved, and its longterm success is questionable. For example, while Hamas has tacitly accepted Cairo`s plan, it has rejected the imposition of a `non-Palestinian administration` in the Strip. Moreover, will the Saudis and Emiratis whose riyals and dirhams are crucial for the plan`s success be willing to put in money without Hamas`s removal, considering their deep distrust of the Palestinian group? Likewise, Washington and Tel Aviv will also want Hamas and other armed Palestinian factions out of the picture.

Therefore, it is very difficult to foresee this plan working, and Hamas exiting the scene. The only practical point to emerge from the Arab plan is that the Palestinian Authority has committed to holding elections in the occupied territories `if circumstances` allow. Hence, perhaps the goal, along with Gaza`s rehabilitation, should be the revival of the poll process in occupied Palestine, so that its people can chart a democratic course for their future, and freedom struggle. Externally imposed plans, without a clear timeline for the end of Israeli occupation, are bound to fail.