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A Sardar`s fulminations

(LETTER) Sir, Sardar Baldev Singh has issued another statement which has been published in the `Tribune` of August 23. After his usual fulmination against the Muslim League, the great Sardar assumes a tone of great piety and says: `The new developments, if not the British proposals, offer an opportunity to all parties to come together and apply their minds to the problem that faces us all. Why not let us sit together and find the way out?` What are the antecedents of Sardar Baldev Singh to excite any response from the Muslims? ...There are some 42 gazetted officers in the Department of Agriculture, Punjab, stationed at Lyallpur, and out of these only 12 are Muslims.

There are 12 Assistant Professors at the Agricultural College, and perhaps only one is a Muslim.

...Facts are being collected and we hope to publish a full account of the misdeeds of Sardar Baldev Singh`s administration and his anti-Muslim policy. The public will then realise whether it was Sardar Shaukat Hayat Khan who should have been dismissed or Sardar Baldev Singh if interest of public servants was the only criterion.

Yours, etc., Mohammad Hasan, M.L.A.

Dawn Delhi