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A troubling reality

WIT H so much on their plate for so long, the policymakers seem to have little time for issues like climate change even though it happens to be a troubling reality of our times. According to the Global Climate Risk Index, Pakistan is the fif th most vulnerable country to climate change.

Industrialisation, rising population and rapid urbanisation are the leading f actors behind the increase in temperatures across the country. There has also been a drastic increase in floods over the last few years which have negative implications on our already burdened economy.

Recently, Islamabad witnessed urban flooding which claimed at least two lives.

The population of the country is bulging and would certainly reach 227 million by 2025. These factors along with factories producing harmful chemicals that float in the air and damage the ozone layer are together leading the country towards far-reachingconsequences.

Pakistanhas toboostitsefforts to replenish the attacks and ef fects of climate change. The government has taken some measures under its `clean and green initiative` to tackle the adverse ef fects of global warming, but the country still has to do a lot more in tackling the adversity of climate change or else it will soon face even more trouble.

Rising carbon emissions and release of harmful pollutants in the air can be hazardous not just to the humans, but to plants and animals, too. Water scarcity is likely to be part of our future, and we need to take quick and speedy measures to counter the effects of global warming and its long-term side ef fects.

We need to make laws to ensure the safety of the environment, reduce carbon emissions and pollutants in the air. We should generate mass awareness among the public to act responsibly. Dams should be constructed andpeople shouldhave access to clean water. A clean and green Pakistan is the only option to have a future free of the harmful impacts of climate change.

Mohaimin Shah Karachi