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Limiting the options

OUR society is still obsessed with two professions when it comes to picking up career options: medicine and engineering.

More than anything else, choosing to do either MBBS or BE has become a trend.

Students belonging to other fields of study, especially in the realm of social sciences, face discrimination as people love to judge their calibre on the basis of one`s field of study and not their performance or intellect. The benchmark of a good bright student, for many people, is to be pursuing a medical or engineering degree.

Due to this pressure, many parents impose their liking on children and compel them to choose the `respectable` fields, neglecting the interest of their own children. These students either perform poorly in studies or lack motivation once they receive their degrees. This is one of the reasons why many doctors f ail to perform well.

Moreover, there is so much pressure on the students related to entrance examinations that they go through anxiety, depression and other psychological problems.

If they f ail to get through, their own parents condemn them to such an extent that they start considering themselves total failures. Despite having the skills toexcel in some other field, they are made to feel bad about themselves and this negative energy has the potential to cause serious harm, and it of ten does.

This is an alarming situation. The parents of today must realise the importance and scope of other fields and allow their children to choose the profession in line with their area of interest. There is life beyond medicine and engineering. The parents need to acknowledge this basic and obvious f act of life.

Ghaneem Irfan Warraich Sialkot