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2005 quake anniversary today

MUZAFFARABAD: Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) will observe 10th anniversary of the devastating earthquake on Thursday as `National Disaster Awareness Day`.

The 7.6 magnitude earthqualce that struck on October 8 had wreaked havoc in the northern parts of AJK, mainly state capital Muzaffarabad, as well as some adjoining areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province, leaving over 73,000 people dead, around 130,000 wounded and another 3.5 million homeless.

The AJK government, state run and non-governmental institutions and organisations have chalked out a number of events to marl< the day, According to different official notifications, sirens will be sounded at 8:52am for one minute silence to pay tributes to the victims of the region`s worst ever natural disaster.

The main prayer ceremony will be held in the University College Ground here, with AJK Prime Minister Chaudhry Abdul Majeed, cabinet members, government officials will attend the ceremony.

Floral wreaths will be laid on a monument that was erected on the same ground before the first anniversary of the earthquake.

On Wednesday night, a vigil was also held by a large number of people at the Naluchi Bridge in memory of earthquake victims.Staff Correspondent