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Turkish actor Burak Ozcivit lands in Karachi

By Shazia Hasan 2023-10-08
KARACHI: Turkish actor Burak Ozcivit, renowned for his role in the Turkish hit series Kurulus: Osman, has arrived in Pakistan for a twoday visit.

Reaching Karachi on Saturday morning, he had a scrumptious breakfast and is now looking forward to enjoying biryani along with other Pakistani delicacies. Butbefore he could dig into his plate, he had media talk at a local hotel here on Saturday afternoonfor the launch of a fragrance by J. named `Ruler`, which has been inspired by his role of `Osman Bey` in Kurulus: Osman.

Speaking through a translator, as he only conversed in Turkish, Burak said that this was his first time in Karachi. `I had planned to come here two years ago also, but those plans could not materialise. Thistime I got an opportunity to visit here; thanks to J., I grabbed it with both hands, and so here I am,` he smiled, adding that to visit Pakistan,helefthisKurulus:Osman shooting crew waiting.

`I came straight from my shoot to the airport to reach here, and when I return, I will again go directly to my shoot,` he added.

He said that he would love to work in Pakistani films or a Turkiye-Pakistan co-production. `I would love to work here; I really would, but right now I am very busy with Kurulus: Osman.We are in our fifth season right now, and I am not sure how many more seasons we will be running for,` he shrugged.

He said that in an acting career spanning 18 to 19 years, he has worked on some 20 to 25 projects, which include several historic roles from the Sultanat-i-Osmania.

`For playing such historical roles, I need to be familiar with our history. And the histories of Turkiye and Pakistan have many similarities. We also enjoy very good relations and help each other in times of need. I love you all!` Burak concluded.