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China will help

PEKING: Mr Chi Peng-fei, Acting Chinese Foreign Minister, today [Nov 7] assured the Government and the people of Pakistan that should Pakistan be subjected to foreign aggression the Government and the people of China will `resolutely support them in their just struggle to defend their State sovereignty and national independence`. He expressed the concern of the Chinese Government and the people . . and said `Of late the Indian Government has crudely interfered in Pakistan`s internal af fairs, carried out subversive activities and military threats against Pakistan by continuing to exploit the East Pakistan situation`.

Mr Chi was speaking at the banquet given in honour of the Pakistan delegation led by Mr Bhutto. ... Mr Chi Peng-fei said China has noted that `certain persons are truculently exerting pressure on Pakistan by exploiting tension in the Subcontinent...`. He said it was impermissible for any foreign country to carry out interference and subversion under any pretext and said it was the firm ... stand of the Chinese Government to oppose any country interfering in theinternalaffairs ofothers.

He recalled the unremitting struggle of the Pakistan people to defend their State sovereignty and territorial integrity against foreign aggressors, interventionists and domestic secessionists... . News agencies