KARACHI: The Pakistan Government have strongly protested to the Government of Bharat against an allegation made by Mr Rohini Kumar Chowdhry in his speech yesterday [March 8] in the Bharat Parliament that the Pakistan Government `were busy making preparations for war and had already occupied some portions of West Bengal and a police station in Assam`, it was reliably learnt in Karachi on Wednesday [March 8] evening.
In their protest the Pakistan Government ... have characterised Mr Chowdhry`s reported allegation as utterly false and mischievous and have pointed out that such baseless statements are likely to do incalculable harm to the relations between the two countries. Pakistan`s protest which ... is embodied in a telegram sent by the Prime Minister to Mr Jawaharlal Nehru, is further understood to have taken strong exception to Mr ... Chowdhry`s open advocacy of war against Pakistan... .
Meanwhile political circles in Karachi, though not surprised by the open talk of war, ... declare `the additional complications which such irresponsible and provocative utterances are likely to bring in their train`.