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A nuclear lesson

WE need to learn a critical lesson from the fate being faced currently by Ukraine, which once had the third largest stockpile of nuclear weapons. Along with Belarus and Kazakhstan, Ukraine had signed the non-proliferation treaty (NPT)in December 1994, on written assurances of security and economic assistance by nuclear powers, including Russia, the United States and the United Kingdom.

Kyiv was required not to pose any threat to Russia by joining any defence pact, such as Nato. Unfortunately, Ukraine made another cardinal mistake by acting as a proxy to confront Russia and desiring to join the Nato alliance. Ukraine should have remembered that in 1961, at the height of Cold War, the US had funded and aided invasion of Cuba by exiles opposing Fidel Castro. It was a covert regime change operation, followed by the imposition of embargo on Cuba. So, what is the lesson in it for Pakistan? Pakistan was forced to opt for nuclear deterrence to counter India`s nuclear explosions and the threats they posed.

The country had already suffered humiliation in 1971. Every political leader in Pakistan needs to understand that mere assurances of security by world powers cannotguarantee ournationalsecurity.

National security and sovereignty of any state can only be guaranteed by its own capability. In the past, a few politicians were carried away to the extent that they even considered surrendering the country`s nuclear capability if India agreed to do the same. Indeed, this would be another cardinal mistake.

Malik Tariq Ali Lahore