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APNS advises members to call fallen soldiers `shaheed`p

KARACHI: The All Pakistan Newspapers Society (APNS) has advised its member publications to acknowledge the sacrifices being rendered by the country`s security forces on the borders as well as in the fight against terrorism by referring to the fallen soldiers as `shaheed` or `martyr`.

In a circular sent to the member publications, the APNS has recalled that the country has been in a state of war for the last several years, and the valiant security forces are not only defending the borders but fighting militants and terrorism for which, many have laid down their lives in the defence of their country.

The APNS has noted that throughout this period the member publications have shown their full respect to those who have fallen in the line of duty. `However, to pay befitting tribute to those who continue to lay down their lives in the defence of Quaid`s Pakistan, may we suggest that all fallen soldiers be referred to as `shaheed` or `martyrs` in our newspapers and magazines.

At the same time it has clarified that `this may be taken as a matter of advice only since APNS does not normally lay down definitive formulations to its member publications`.