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HIGH-VOLTAGE WIRES: High-voltage metallic wires running across Dokri in Larkana are posing a serious threat to the lives of those living in the area.

These high-voltage wires are not only a visual eyesore, but also a potential hazard, especially during adverse weather conditions. The risk of electrocution, fire or other accidents is always present which creates a sense of fear among the local people.The relevant authorities should remove these wires immediately and relocate them to the roadside where they can be safely managed and maintained.

Mehboob Ali Almani Larkana RURAL HEALTH: The Rural Health Centre (RHC) in Panjgur ditrict`s Paroom area lacks basic healthcare facilities, essential medicines and adequate staff.

The situation has made it difficult for the locals to access quality healthcare. Only a few doctors are present in the hospital and that, too, occasionally. The relevant authorities should address the issue.

Owais Paroom GHOST TEACHERS: There are 45 schools in Khuzdar district, of which only 11 are functional. Even in those 11 schools, some teachers do not fulfil their duties.

For example, there are seven teachers at a school in Gresha, but some of them do not perform their duties. There is one teacher who has not been even attending the school forthe last13 years.Thefuture ofour children is at stake. The government must intervene and do the needful.

Ageel Maqsood Khuzdar GOODWILL GESTURE: In the good old days, the pharmaceutical industry used to believe in goodwill gestures towards the consumers, reducing the prices of particular drugs by up to 50 per cent.

Regrettably, no such gesture has been witnessed in a long time. Both local and multinational companies are financially stable in a country that is facing dire health challenges. It is imperative for the pharmaceutical industry to extend support to the poor patients in any way possible.

DrMukhtar Ali Turi Parachinar