KOHAT: ...Mr Liaquat Ali Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan, declared here today [Dec 8]: `No matter what the cost Kashmir cannot be allowed to be taken away by force.
Ge ographically, economically and culturally Kashmir`s association with Pakistan is as indispensable for the existence of Pakistan as any other part of Pakistan.` Referring to Mr Nehru`s repeated declaration that India and Pakistan should declare that they would not resort to arms ... to settle their mutual disputes, Mr Liaquat Ali Khan said: `Mr Nehru`s words do not tally with his actions.
Mere reiteration of a declaration, however pious in its meanings, will not suffice.
`What is needed from the Indian Prime Minister is his translation of these words into practice. Only a fool would go to war without adequate cause... .
Mr Liaquat Ali Khan invited Mr Nehru, if he really wanted to avoid conflict, to remove its basic cause. What he called [the] `running sore of Kashmir` can be cured only through a free and fair plebiscite. Pakistan desires a peaceful settlement only through plebiscite so that the people of Kashmir can decide freely whether to accede to Pakistan or to India. Correspondent