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Fall of reason

THE citizenry has to learn to translate tears into introspection, dispassionately evaluating the causes behind various events, like the fall of Dhal(a and the attack on the Army Public School (APS), Peshawar, the anniversaries of which were observed last month.

Ignoring a mistake and taking it as a matter of fate indicates nothing but an ostrich approach to life and events, which surely is not a good way to stop the recurrence of past failures. The recent large-scale demonstrations in Gwadar against the political and economic realities in Balochistan were yet another reminder to us all, especially to those in power. It is evident that something we missed in the past is still missing in Balochistan.

It is considered right to be passionate about political issues, but taking a dispassionate view of current issues in their due historicalcontextis considered wrong. It is utterly painful to see dispassionate reasoning getting forced out of our social, political existence.

The fall of Dhaka should not mean the fall of reason. Shedding tears without worrying about taking care of the source of pity is a path to fatalism. Obviously, thereare those who don`t like questions and those who don`t like answers. Silence seems to be the only satisfactory answer for them. Does silence have the power to save an ostrich with its head in the sand? It is time we seriously thought about the fall of reason in the country. Doing so is critical becasue that is the only way to move forward in any defined direction.

Zeeshan Naeem Lahore