Professional 1eaders
PAKISTAN is ranked 122nd among 199 countries in terms of health due to the various challenges it faces, like limited access to healthcare, inadequate infrastructure, poverty, a shortage of skilled professionals,underfunding, and poor healthcare facilities. Despite the obstacles, however, Pakistan is making progress in many areas.
Being a physical therapist, I believe that one of the important factors missing is the strong leadership for the professional development of physical therapists.
Besides, having transformative leadership in the field of physical therapy can be life-changing for those who choose this career with motivation and excitement to innovate with evidence-based practice.
The transformative leader would be able to establish a clearfuture-centred approach, would encourage every individual who wants to grow, and would empower them to take initiatives and excel in the field.
There is also the communication gap between physical therapists of various organisations, hindering the best practice of the profession of physical therapy in terms of innovation, research and clinic.For a transformative leader, it is crucial to communicate with both national and internationalstakeholders and take necessary steps to collaborate in terms of quality care services, certification and research.
Specialisationin physicaltherapy post-doctorate is limited in Pakistan, which obstructs the development of professionals. Young physical therapists do not get the opportunities tofurther enhance their knowledge, degree and progress in the field.
Undoubtedly, a transformative leader can promote internationally recognised degrees and certification courses. Also, necessary steps are needed tobe taken tonurture the physicaltherapists ofthe future by providing them with mentorship initiatives, research funding, and fellowship opportunities to drive innovation and advancement in the field.The best example of transformative leadership is of Tim Cook, the head of Apple, who, unlike his predecessor, focussed on a collaborative approach where individuals were given a chance to discuss their ideas and take initiatives for the sustainability of the company.
Under his leadership, the company saw expansion of business and high profitability, and launched a series of innovative products. The iconic Steve Jobs used to rely on his own thoughts and intuition, and while his tenure at Apple was great, there was also a large employee turnout.
To promote professional development in the vital field of physical therapy, what we need is a leadership with a vision.
Faizan Saeed Syed New York, USA