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Ex-chairman slams non-production of senator

ISLAMABAD: Former Senate chairman Mian Raza Rabbani has criticised the government for not producing an incarcerated senator despite issuance of the latter`s production order by the upper house of parliament.

Mr Rabbani termed it blatant defiance of the legal and parliamentary authority and said it would undermine parliament.

`Thenon-implementation of the Production Order issued for an under trial senator by the Chairman Senate by the government is an open defiance of the legal and parliamentary authority and is condemned. The failure tocomply with the said Order is a deliberate attempt to undermine Parliament,` he said in a statement issued on Sunday.

The willful and mala fide, non-implementation of the said order is contemptuous and blatant violation of parliamentary rules, he added.

He requested the standing committee on privileges to hold the delinquent officers guilty of contempt of parliament and punish them with dismissal from service.

Mr Rabbani also requested the speaker of the National Assembly to stand with the Senate chairman on this issue. Staff Reporter