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Seventy-five years ago Non-Muslims` evacuation

NEW DELHI: On an average over 3,000 nonMuslims are evacuated to India from Sind every day, says a Press note. The total number of refugees who entered India from Sind from February 1 to March 18, is about 1,30,000. Of these, about 90,000 were evacuated by sea and about 40,000 by rail. In the second half of March, the rate has been slightly higher.

It is estimated that about 6,00,000 Hindus and Sikhs still remain in Sind. A large majority of these are awaiting evacuation. The permit system introduced by the Sind Government is proving a great impediment in the way of speedy evacuation. Special attention has been given to the evacuation of Harijans and Mahrattas. The Sind Evacuation Committee set up by Mr Sri Prakash, the High Commissioner for India in Pakistan, has decided that hereafter Harijans and Mahrattas will be given free passage. ... Special arrangements have been made regarding evacuation of Sikhs from Sind under armed escort. The first batch of 1,600 Sikhs from Sukkur District were evacuated by escorted special train to Karachi and safely embarked for India.