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Political commentary

THIS is with reference to the article `PTI-PML-N: same or different?` (April 1), which tried to rationalise the statement given by the federal interior minister against the leader of the opposition. No, the statement simply cannot be rationalised. It was wrong. Period.

The article cited protests in Israel and France, and called them `purposeful` which may `likely change their country for the better`.

Practically, it is calling the protests in Pakistan either less purposeful or having no purpose at all. To call what many believe to be the country`s last shot at long-term stability `meaningless` is in itself meaningless. Besides, calling political activists a `mass cult` is nothing short of desperate.

The conclusion that the similarity of ideologies `means their power struggle won`t alter Pakistan`s future path` is rather gross and there is no merit to such analysis.

Having said that, I respect the writer as an accomplished individual and do not at all question his patriotism.

Syed IsTafa H. Zaidi Fremont, California, USA