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PPSC & law graduates

EVERY year thousands of law students pass out from law colleges. These graduates have a Hobson`s choice for entering government-sector jobs, except the prosecution and the judiciary. Butwhenever the Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) takes responsibility for recruiting law professionals, some seats always remain vacant owing to the non-availability of suitable candidates.

For example, a few months ago the PPSC held an examination for 340 seats of legal inspectors.

Out of 2,000 candidates, only 57 could pass the written examinations. At the end, only 40 candidates were recommended for final selection.

Similarly, the other day the PPSC announced the final results of assistant district public prosecutors and 105 candidates, out of 480 who had qualified in the written examinations, were recommended for final selection. There were still 24 seats which remained vacant.

With already massive unemployment and bleak job opportunities, the PPSC should have filled all available seats. It is pertinent to mention that law colleges are spread throughout Punjab but the PPSC, I think, demands from all law graduates the level of high proficiency equal to the level of LUMS etc.

The standard of education is not equal in the province and to expect equality in proficiency will be a naïve idea.

Zaheer Ahmed Wazirabad