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Conference discusses peace studies

LAHORE: The first International conference on critical peace studies was held under the aegis of the Centre for Critical Peace Studies at the University of Management and Technology on Tuesday.

The conference was addressed by USAID Deputy Mission Director Michael Rossman, USIP Country Director Imran Khan and Dr Syed Farid Alatas, along with experts in the field of peace studies from various countries.

Mr Rossman emphasised the significance of nurturing opportunities for the youth, stating that their development is hindered by violence and lack of avenues. Hechampioned the youth as the architects of the future and emphasized that their potential to drive positive change must be harnessed through education and peacebuilding initiatives. He added that peace studies involve long-term planning and the creation of an environment conducive to lasting tranquility.

Mr Khan expressed the organisation`s commitment to grassroots engagement. He highlighted the importance of collaboration with local communities, academics, and organizations in formulating effective peace strategies.

MOU: A memorandum of under-standing (MoU) has been signed between the Punjab Job Centre, a joint initiative of the Punjab Information Technology Board, Labour and Human Resources Department, and the UMT.

The agreement aims to propel collaborative efforts in enhancing employment prospects for UMT students and graduates.

The collaboration envisions a range of initiatives, including internships, job fairs, skill development programs, and specialized training, all geared towards equipping students with the tools they need to succeed in a competitive job market. Staff Reporter