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PTI urges security forces to shun `political interference`

By Ikram Junaidi 2024-05-11
ISLAMABAD: The PTI core committeehassaidtherecentpressconference by the director general of InterServices Public Relations (ISPR) was `unconstitutional and illegal`.

Inarejoindertothe press conference in which Maj Gen Ahmed Sharif linked dialogue with PTI to a `public apology`, the PTI core committee said security agencies should end `the absurd tradition of interfering in politics`.

According to an official announcement by the PTPs central media department, the party`s top leadership also `unanimously rebuffed` the ISPR DG`s demand for an apology.

The forum said a `propaganda` was underway against the PTI under the guise of a `false flag operation` on May 9, 2023.

The PTI also `condemned` the action by the government against what it called`nationwide peaceful protests` against the `May 9 false flag operation` on Thursday. It alleged state oppression and fascism was employed to `usurp people`s basic political right to protest`. The committee decried the ongoing `politics of revenge` and what it called `attempts to crush and dismantle` PTI under `the guise of the May 9 false flag operation` and said such actions should be stopped.

The committee members also condemned the alleged interference by ECP`s in the nominations of election tribunals judges by the Lahore High Court chief justice and termed it `criminal and totally unacceptable`.

Actions against peaceful protesters Meanwhile, speaking at a news conference on Friday, PTI Secretary General Omar Ayub Khan lambasted Punjab police action against `peaceful` PTI protesters on Thursday.

The `fascist and mandate-less governments in the Centre and Punjab` were standing on crutches and their days were numbered, Mr Khan told a presser. He said when intelligence agencies meddle in political and judicial affairs, it erodes rule of law.