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A thriving `industry`

A MEMBER of parliament from Sindh recently said on the floor of the house that thoseinterestedinhaving alook at what development means should visit Sindh. The statement, if you ask me, is sheer abuse to the intelligence of the people of Sindh. They are sick and tired of the worsening quality of life in the province.

Take, for instance, the law and order situation in the province. From Karachi down south to Larkana up north, the situation is beyond the control of police and other lawenforcement agencies.

Muggings in the cities and kidnappings in the rural areas have acquired the status of an `industry`.

Priya Kumari, a seven-year old Hindu girl was abducted 22 months ago from Sukkur. It is almost impossible to even begin to imagine the agony of the family of the young girl. Unfortunately, the case has only been reported in regional media, while the mainstream national media houses have not found the matter worth reporting, which is a mockery of the professional element of news-worthiness.

The provincial chief minister should take a personalinterestin this regard and ensure that the kidnapped girl is recovered and returned toherparents.

Mansoor ul Haque Solangi Karachi