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Shortage of drinking water protested in Mingora

By Our Correspondent 2014-10-11
MINGORA: People of different localities on Thursday demonstrated in Mingora city against shortage of drinking water and warned they would stage a sit-in outside the Tehsil Municipal Administration offices in Babozai if the matter was not resolved without delay.

The protesters, mostly from Rang Mohallah and Ali Abad areas, gathered outside the TMA offices and blocked Saidu Sharif Road.

They shouted slogans against the TMA, burnt old tyres and demanded early restoration of the supply of drinking water to their areas.

Local elders, including Mohammad Ali, Haji Meena and Sheryar, said most parts of Mingora city had long been facing water shortage but the TMA was indifferent to the people`s misery.

They said the prolonged suspension of work on water supply system had led to severe water shortage in Rang Mohalla and Ali Abad areas.

The elders said their repeated complaints to the relevant TMA officials had fallen on deaf ears.

They warned if smooth water supply was not restored without delay, the people would come onto the streets and stage a sit-in outside the TMA Babozai offices.

The protesters dispersed peacefully after the tehsil municipal officer turned upand promised resolution of the problem in the next few days.

VISITORS THRONG SWAT: People thronged tourist resorts in Swat during Eid holidays.

Among them were a large number of the residents of different parts of the country.

The hilly resorts, which pulled drew large crowds, included Marghazar, Fizagatt, Madyan and Bahrain.

Mohammad Shabbir of Charsadda said his uncle lived in Mingora, so he often visited him for sightseeing.

He said he had come to Mingora to spend Eid holidays in `clean and fresh air` at the hill station.

Arshad of Peshawar said he was in the valley along with family to spend Eid days.

`Here the atmosphere is very pleasant, so we have enjoyed the stay a lot,` he said.

Taha of Rawalpindi said spending Eid days away from his hot city in chilly weather was really fun.

He, however, complained Swat roads were in bad shape to the inconvenience of visitors.

The visitor said if the government improved conditions of roads and other facilities, the picturesque valley could attract tourists from within the country and abroad.

BAN ON USE OF LOUDSPEAKER: District magistrate Mehmood Aslam Wazir on Thursday banned the use of loudspeaker for collection of hides of sacrificial animals in Swat for 10 days.

A news release issued here on Thursday said violators of the ban would be dealt with under the law.