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`All possible help`

RAWALPINDI: In a stirring speech, Chaudhry Ghulam Abbas, Supreme Head of the Azad Kashmir Movement, declared today [Jan 11]: `Dark clouds over the horizon of Kashmir are thinning and soon the Valley of Kashmir will be free from the century-old tyranny.` The Pakistan Finance Minister, Mr Ghulam Mohammad ... said that the Pakistan Government would do everything in their power to alleviate their sufferings.

`You have made great sacrifices but freedom demands even greater sacrifices. ... If you are determined to be free nobody can stop you.` ... Dawn West Punjab Correspondent [Meanwhile, according to a staff correspondent,] the Cs-in-C of Pakistan and India will meet in New Delhi on Saturday to confer regardinganynecessarylocalchangesinthe present disposition of troops to put into effect the provision regarding cease-fire in Part I(C) of the UNCIP resolution of Aug 13. Besides General Sir Douglas Gracey, the C-in-C, Brigadier Sher Khan, Director of Military Operations, will represent Pakistan at the negotiations. India will be represented by Gen Sir Roy Bucher and Lt-General Carippa, C-in-C designate besides other officers.