Seventy-five years ago Uplift plans
SIBI: `Our aim is to bring Baluchistan and the four states, whose accession to Pakistan I welcome, to the same level of administration as the rest of Pakistan,` said Mr Liaquat Ali Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan, addressing the annual Baluchistan Shahi Jirga here today [Feb 10].
...ThemostimportantneedofBaluchistan, he said, is the expansion of educational facilities. During the last year no fewer than 42 new schools have been opened and 18,500 scholars are on the rolls as compared with 12,000 at the time of partition. The number of primary schools in September 1947 was 94: It is now 175, he added. News agencies [Meanwhile in Karachi,] Pakistan`s first town for the homeless is fast taking shape in Golimar area. It will provide permanent houses for 60,000 shelterless, and is expected to be completed within a year. The new town will be known as Nazimabad... . Only such bona fide refugees ... [who have] not yet been able to secure accommodation ... and are willing to abide by the terms and conditions of lease prescribed by the Government, will be eligible for allotment of plots of land in the new town of Nazimabad, it is emphasised.