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Ramazan and gas

DO gas distribution companies know that more than half the Muslim population of Pakistan does not observe the Ramazan fast for valid religious reasons? The sick and the old, children, pregnant women, besides women who may not be pregnant do not fast for other religiously valid reasons. Why do these companies want children to go to school without having their breakfast? Muslims the world over have been fasting for over 14 centuries when there was no concept of natural gas. Every home used firewood or coal, and managed to conform to Islamic tenets. Women decided when to cook and what to cook.

No state authority interfered. Now, in Pakistan in the 21st century, gas distribution companies dictate when to cook for families across the country.

Already, natural gas is in short supply, and we do not get it round the clock as we used to. Let not the gas companies worsen our women`s cooking problems.

Religious scholars and institutions should raise their voice in this critical regard.

A citizen Karachi