Social contradictions
MIDDLE class morality is used in George Bernard Shaw`s play Pygmalion to indicate class differences and hypocritical values.
This term aptly applies to the conditions prevailing in Pakistan where hypocritical behaviour to flaunt one`s piety without actually following the moral values has become a common trait.Pakistan ranks 133rd on the list of corrupt countries, despite being a Muslim country, whereas Islam epitomises honesty, good behaviour and integrity.
This contradiction is mindboggling and the reasonforthisis that people indulge in rituals, totally forgetting the quintessence of Islam, which is good conduct in this world.
Pakistanis go for pilgrimage several times to flaunt their social status even out of their ill-earned wealth. They indulge in charity, hold a rosary in their hand, but nothing stops them from violating traffic laws, exploiting the poor, taking bribes, and displaying arrogance.
They believe in caste system, tribalism and having a luxurious lifestyle, while Islam condemns such practices in nouncertain terms. Islam abolished all false values long ago.
Scholars should use the pulpit to highlight the significance of honesty, good behaviour, obeying traffic laws, issues of cybercrimes and terrorism, sectarian harmony, hygiene, climate change, spirit of discovery, research and innovation.
Khayyam Durrani Karachi