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Politicians` brains

TALENT and wisdom are two different qualities.The hrstis aboutcreatingnovel things, and the second is about the experience that we gain with time. As age advances, we become wiser but lose talent.

This is a paradox as suggested by Elkhonon Goldberg. I think we should assess the hygienic condition of our politicians` brain by looking at the structure of their brains before they are nominated for any key post or a member of an assembly.

History already shows that many politicians had senile dementia or Alzheimer`s disease. Many dictators had defectin their brains.

Thus it is a great responsibility to hand over power of a country to a demented person who is having an organic problem inhis brains.

A day will come when all such people will be scrutinised and certified by cognitive neurologist that at least they have no structural problem in their brains.

Prof (Dr) Shams Raza Brohi Chairman, Peoples University of Medical and Health Sciences Nawabshah