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Democracy in peril across the globe

THIS is with reference to the article `New realities` (Feb 16), which provided a sobering reflection on the global erosion of democratic values and principles, resonating particularly with Pakistan`s recent classification as an `authoritarian regime` in the latest report released by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU).

However, the challenges outlined in the report further include trends like enforced disappearances, weaponised legal systems and manipulated social media narratives.

While acknowledging the challenges is crucial, it is equally important to move beyond despair and strategise collective action. Focussing solely on Pakistan`s authoritarian label risks overlooking the ongoing struggles and resilience ofthe people.

Democracy, once a beacon of hope, flickers precariously around the world.

The EIU report has painted a sobering picture; a global average score at its lowest ever, with regions like Sub-Saharan Africa struggling the most. Even bastions like North America and Western Europe are facing challenges.

In Pakistan`s case, stifled freedoms and the weaponisation of law are common.

Yet, amidst the shadows, flickers of resistance remain. Local communities band together, offering supportto those facing state pressure. Independent media, though under threat, strives to shine a light on truth.

To effectively address the challenges posed by the erosion of democratic principles, a multifaceted approach is essential. It is imperative to raise awareness and foster the true spirit of dialogue. Besides, engaging in open and critical discussions can help raise public awareness about the dangers of democratic erosion, and cultivate a culture of much informed civic engagement.

In addition to this approach, harnessing technology for good is another important aspect of addressing democratic erosion.

By utilising the potential of technological tools to circumvent censorship, promote information-sharing, and empower individuals to participate in democraticprocesses, we can mitigate the impact of authoritarian tactics aimed at stifling dissent.

Further, by forging alliances with global human rights organisations and democratic movements, we can amplify voices advocating for democracy. Without international solidarity, democratic movements may struggle to gain traction and face increased repression from authoritarian regimes.

Advocating for policy changes that promote transparency, accountability and the rule of law is essential in creating an enabling environment for democratic governance. Lastly, empowering local communities is crucial in protecting individuals at risk of state harassment and fostering a sense of solidarity and resilience against authoritarian tactics.

The fight for democracy demands active participation, unwavering commitment and collaborative efforts. Let us work together to ensure that democracy thrives globally.

Remember, democracy is a journey, and every step we take towards its preservation matters greatly. Let us all resist democratic erosion locally and globally.

Majid Burfat Karachi