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Curbing extremism

OUR society seems to have been intoxicated by orthodox elements that are leaving hardly any room for progressive minds. Also, there is no room for dissent, questioning and even for a difference of opinion. Uninhibited extremism is the order of the day. It was rather evident, as if evidence was needed, in the recent incident in Lahore where a woman was accused of blasphemy by some zealots for merely wearing an outfit inscribed with some words in the Arabic language.

This happened without anybody bothering about determining what the words actually meant.

It is high time people got rid of fanaticism and started behaving normally. We are making a fool of ourselves in the eyes of the world at large. If we, the people living in this country, find such episodes disgraceful and alarming, just imagine what the outside world will make of them.

It is time for a much-needed intellectual revolution in society that may help us, the nation,leave behind allorthodox elements, narrow beliefs and extremism.

Imran Ali Brohi Larkana