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Internal trouble

BEHRIN (SWAT): Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto said here this afternoon [July 11] that the Opposition was trying to create problems for the Government with a view to diverting its attention from development activities. Addressing a public meeting in Behrin ... the Prime Minister said that the Ahmadi problem was being discussed by the National Assembly and his endeavour would find its correct solution. ... [He] urged the people to identify the enemies of Pakistan.

... The Prime Minister, who dwelt at length on the attitude of the Afghan rulers towards Pakistan, said they should not `exceed the limits`. News agencies [Meanwhile, as reported by news agencies from the UN,] Lebanon told the Security Council yesterday [July 10] that Israeli attacks earlier this week against Lebanese port cities demonstrated that Israel no longer cared even to justify its aggression. Mr. Yahya Mahmassani, acting chief of the Lebanese delegation, said ... `the Security Council, particularly the permanent members, and the world community cannot remain indifferent spectators when the Israeli forces carry out their policy of terror, murder and blackmail against a member State of the United Nations`.