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Pakistan`s stand is just

LAHORE: `The utter unreasonableness of the ... often contradictory claims advanced ...

by Afghanistan mostly through channels other than official is becoming as clear to the whole world as is the justice and fairness of Pakistan`s stand vis-a-vis these claims,` said Chaudhri Mohammad Zafrullah in an interview ... this afternoon [July 10] ... ... [H]e said that first the question of changing the name of the area comprising the tribal belt and the NWFP into `Pathanistan` was raised. It was made clear ... that this was something which the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan alone could take up should the inhabitants of the area move for such a change.

This was followed by allegations against Pakistan put out in various foreign capitals through ... the Afghan propaganda machine of ... withholding of assistance in the economic sphere.

...[T]he Foreign Minister pointed out that ... Pakistan ... had ... made every possible effort to assist and co-operate. Goods for Afghanistan unloaded at Karachi are not only exempt from payment of customs duties but every possible port and rail facility is being extended to ensure their speedy ...

transportation... . News agencies