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A relevant lesson

THIS is with reference to the report `Hunter Biden convicted on all charges in gun case` (June 12). A jury court in the United States found President Joe Biden`s son, Hunter Biden (seen in the accompanying image with her mother Jill Biden), guilty on various counts. The president subsequently accepted the decision and expressedrespectfor the judicial process. It is difficult to draw a comparison, or at least a parallel, with our own society, particularly in cases involving politicians or other powerful individuals.

Here, if a court decision happens to be in line with one`s wishes, the individual or the party is all praise for the judiciary.

Conversely, if the decision is not aligned with one`s wishes, the verdict, regardless of its legality, is rejected. The same rule applies to election results as well.

While it may be unfair to compare the political system of a powerful, developed country with those of a weaker, developing one,there are lessonsforustobe learned about strengthening judicial and political processes. It is the judiciary`s responsibility to remain above political pressures, and to issue verdicts based solely on professional grounds.

Politicians and other influential groups must also recognise that an independent judiciaryis crucialfor upholding democratic principles. If a party puts pressure on thejudiciary to act against its opponents, history shows that such institutions retaliate when the opponents gain power. It is important to learn from these patterns before it is too late.

Anwar Sayab Khan Bannu