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Of influencers and twisted influences

IN recent years, the rise of various social media platforms has given birth to a new generation of celebrities known as `influencers`. These individuals, often young and charismatic, wield significant power and influence over their followers.

While their content can be entertaining andinspiring,itis crucialto recognise the hidden side effects that come with the rise of TikTokers, YouTubers and other social media influencers.

One of the most pressing issues that are associated with these influencers is the impact on mental health. Influencers often project a seemingly perfect life, filled with glamour, luxury and constant excitement. This portrayal can lead to unrealistic expectations and feelings of inadequacy among their followers, particularly the young and impressionable teenagers. Several studies have shown thatprolonged exposure to such content can contribute to anxiety, depression and low self-esteem.

Moreover, the influencers themselves are not immune to these effects. The pressure to maintain a flawless image and the constant scrutiny from thousands of followers can take a severe toll on their mental health. Many influencers have reported experiencingburnout,anxiety and even depression due to the relentless demands of content creation and public attention.

Social media is visual-centric, and influencers often share images and videos that highlight their physical appearance.

This constant exposure to idealised body types can distort the followers` perceptions of beauty and body image. The pursuit of these unattainable standards can lead to a range of negative outcomes, including eating disorders and body dysmorphobia.

One of the more insidious side effects of the influencer phenomenon is the devaluation of traditional professionalism and education. Influencers, who areknown to generally earn significant income by sharing snippets of their personallives or engaging in viral challenges, can make more money than many professionals active in medicine, engineering or academia.

This stark contrast can send a harmful message to young people, suggesting that education and hard-earned skills are less valuable than social media fame. This perception creates an imbalance in society, fostering a sense of deprivation and negligence among those who dedicate years to mastering their crafts.

In the race to gain followers and views, many influencers share intimate details of their personal lives on social media.

Thisconstantexposure canerode the boundaries between public and private life, normalising the idea that every moment is a potential piece of content.

The quest for the desired level of virality oftenleadsinnuencerstocreate content that is inappropriate, illogical or unethical.

In the name of entertainment, some of them engage in dangerous stunts, spread misinformation, or promote unhealthy behaviours. The sensationalism of such content can overshadow genuinely talented individuals, making it seem as though shock value and sensationalism are the most viable paths to success.

This phenomenon sends a troubling message to future generations: that stupidity can be normalised and celebrated as a new form of talent. The emphasis on sensationalcontent oversubstance can distort young people`s understanding of what constitutes meaningful achievement and contribution to society.

Despite the growing influence of social media, there is a notable lack of regulation regarding the content being produced and shared. This absence of oversight allows for the proliferation of inappropriate and harmful material, further contributing to the negative impact on society. The unregulated nature of social media content means that influencers can promote whatever they choose, without considering the potentialconsequencesfortheir audiences.

While social media influencers can offer entertainment, inspiration and a sense of community, it is important to be aware of the potential negative impacts of what they do and how they do it. By raising awareness and promoting responsible use of social media, we can mitigate the negative impacts and harness the positive potential of these platforms.

Qazi Fahad Ahmed Karachi