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Punjab rioting

NEW YORK: Rioting in the Punjab is not a sudden rising of one community against another over a Boundary Commission report, but the [culmination] of economic and political factors which has been a cause of suspicion, fear, and discontent for a long time in the Punjab and which broke all bounds when the Boundary Commission report further inflamed the Sikhs as well as Muslims, declared the Dominion of India Charge d`Affaires, Mr B.R. Sen, in a statement to the Press.

Mr Sen criticised the manner of presenting news of Indian rioting in American newspapers which have resulted in comment on India`s fitness for self-government. He said it was important to remember that the whole of east, south and central India had been quiet except for minor non-communal disturbances. The disturbances now occurring were in the nature of civil commotion which both Governments were doing their best to control through the use of Indian military units under Indian officers. . .

`The Indian situation calls for patience, sympathy and understanding. It is hoped that these will be abundantly forthcoming in the United States.` -Dawn Karachi