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Hindutva gestures

WHILE the editorial `Symbols of hate` (Aug 27) highlighted the display of a bulldozer at India`s Independence Day parade this year, in the Edison town of New Jersey in the United States, as an object of hate by the Hindu extremists, another more important event on the day in New Delhi went unnoticed.

The 21-foot bronze icon that displays four lions seated with their back to one another, facing outwards is India`s national symbol. However, on the 75th anniversary of India`s independence, there was a clear change on the face of the statue, meant to convey a strong message.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the national emblem installed on the roof of the parliament building in New Delhi on the day. A major change in the expression of the beasts has beenengineered.Thefangs ofthefour lions are made bare, which gives an angry and aggressive look. The message: supremacy of Hinduism and aggression as state policy against all dissidents.

Sayed GB Shah Bokhari Peshawar