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Two-nation theory

PAKISTAN celebrated the 75th anniversary of its independence this year. Although the occasion warranted a befitting celebration, thanks to its political turmoil, the occasion passed just like any `routine` occasion.

Recalling Pakistan`s eventful history, I realised that ever since East Pakistan turned into Bangladesh, the people of Bangladesh stopped celebrating Aug 14 in any form or shape, although there arestrong reasons to justify remembrance, if not celebration.

This was the day when the Muslims of the subcontinent established their identity, as envisaged in the two-nation theory related to the subcontinent. In a way, Bangladesh, as it is today, was made possible only because they, the people of East Bengal, opted to be a part of Pakistan and voted against remaining in the Indian Union.

If the people of East Bengal had decided to remain with India, can anyone imagine it would have been possible for the Bengalis to get separated from India and create a homeland of their own called Bangladesh? Sikhs of Indian Punjab are still yearning to be independent, the people of India-occupied Jammu and Kashmir are struggling to get their basic right to self-determination. The Mizos and the Tamils are doing whatever they can to get independence. Have they come anywhere close to their cherished dreams? One can only urge the people of Bangladesh, if they really cared about the two-nation theory, to mark Aug 14 on their national calendar.

It was the day when they got their basic independence from the iron hand of Hindutva.

Abid Mahmud Ansari Islamabad