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Sind Governor inquiry

KARACHI: The allegations made by the Press against the Sind Premier, Pir Illahi Bakhsh, and his colleagues, and the situation created thereby were the subjects of discussion atahighlevelconferenceheldinthe Governor-General`s House yesterday (Thursday [Nov 11]), and a decision of farreaching importance was taken. The conference was attended by the Governor-General, Khwaja Nazimuddin; the Prime Minister, Mr Liaquat Ali Khan; the Sindh Governor, Mr Din Mohammad; and the SecretaryGeneral, Mr Mohammad Ali.

... It is understood that the situation was reviewed in the light of the basic principle which the Prime Minister, Mr Liaquat Ali Khan, had set before himself that the men who occupy positions of trust and responsibility must be beyond suspicion.

It was felt that that principle ... would be best served by the Sind Governor personally holding an inquiry into the charges that have been made. ... Allegations which have reached the Governor through other channels are also likely to be included in the ...

inquiry. Dawn political correspondent