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Bhansali to break fast

NAGPUR: The news of a settlement between Professor Bhansali and the C.P. Government, leading to the former undertaking to break his fast, was announced by the Chief Secretary to the C.P. Government at a special Press conference today [Jan 12].

Mr. Jayaratnam said the Order under the Defence of India Rules banned publication of all news about Prof. Bhansali was being withdrawn.

[Meanwhile, as reported in New Delhi,] `For God`s sake, send us cigarettes.

Nothing had been heard of them for some time. Finally, when the news came, they had nothing to ask no pleas for help or supplies save cigarettes. They were a Punjabi unit which had struggled across the wild hills which form the backbone of the Mayu Peninsula; then advanced across further difficult country, and finally came into contact with some of the Japanese who are holding out in the high ground towards the southern end of the peninsula.

Could anything better illustrate the spirit in which our men, British and Indian, face almost heartbreaking difficulties of the campaign in this tangled part of Burma? asks an Indian Army Observer with our forcesin Arakan.-Dawn Delhi