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Murad calls for collective measures to curb modern-day threats to peace

Dawn Report 2023-02-13
KARACHI: Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah has said that the modern-day threats to peace are extremism-based terrorism, illegal activities by transnational criminal syndicates, maritime piracy and poverty.

`Natural calamities as a result of climate change, environmental degradation and the traditional threat of inter-state rivalries based on nationalistic agendas devoid of moral principles and justice happen to be great challenges,` he said.

He was speaking to the heads of foreign delegates/participants of the five-day multinational maritime exercise Aman-23, who collectively called on him here at the CM House on Sunday.

The CM said Aman meant peace in Urduand peaceful co-existence was the centerpiece of Pakistan`s foreign policy. `Peace can be achieved by countering the prevailing threats; therefore, countering threats to mankind and the environment, wherein we live, is a cornerstone of Pakistan`s foreign policy as ordained for us by our religion,` he added.

In this age, according to the CM, threats to peace had not only increased manifold, but hadalsochanged theirnature andcharacter.

`Modern-day threats to peace are extremist ideology based on terrorism, illegal activities by transnational criminal syndicates, maritime piracy and poverty,` he said He said that due to the changing nature of threats in modern times, it was not possible for any single nation to counter such threats on its own; therefore, it required collaboration ofallcountries,especiallyin theinterna-tional maritime areas.

The exercise Aman, he said, provided a platform where navies from a large number of countries got together to show their resolve and commitment to collectively counter threats that were endangering the well-being of the human race and its living environment.

The exercise was an initiative of the Government of Pakistan led by the Pakistan Navy to enhance collaboration of all navies of the world to counter the modern-day threats in the maritime arena.

Present on the occasion from the government side were Information Minister Sharjil Memon, Labour Minister Saeed Ghani, Local Government Minister Nasir Shah, CM`s Law Adviser Murtaza Wahab, Chief Secretary Sohail Rajput, Inspector General of Police Ghulam Nabi Memon. Cdr Mohammad Nasir Iqbal headed the delegation.