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Respecting mandate

THIS is with reference to the editorial `Respect the mandate` (Feb 10), which captured and conveyed well the profound sense of frustration that gripped many as election results started to tricklein with a sudden delay after some early trends had started to emerge.

The true essence of democracy is the sanctity of the vote, the foundational belief that each citizen`s choice contributes to the fabric of the nation`s future.

The metamorphosis seen once the delayed results were made public caused disillusionment, to say the least. For first-time voters, who stepped into the polling stations with hope and a sense of purpose, the situation was especially disheartening.

The path we choose now will determine our future. It is imperative that people should have faith in the electoral system.

This definitely requires transparency and accountability.

It is time to reaffirm our commitment to democracy, to ensure that every vote counts, and to restore the trust ofthe peoplein the largerelectoralprocess.

Dr Zaheer Chiragh Gujranwala