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PA resolution for conditional inclusion of Ahmadis in minorities commission

By Amjad Mahmood 2020-05-13
LAHORE: Lauding the federal cabinet for not including Ahmadis in the Minorities Commission, the Punjab Assembly demanded through a resolution on Tuesday that the minority should be included into the body only after their top leader submits in writing that the community accepts the Constitution of Pakistan and their status as non-Muslims.

Tabled by Mines and Minerals Minister Hafiz Ammar Yasir, the resolution adopted unanimously said: `....This august House appreciates the federal cab-inet for not including Qadianis in the Minorities Commission because neither the Qadianis recognise the Constitution of Pakistan nor they proclaim themselves as non-Muslims.

`This House reiterates [its concern] that theissue of finality of Prophethoodisraised every other day. Sometimes Hajj form is amended and at others the word of Khatamu al-Nabiyyan (SAW) is omitted from books.

But no action was ever taken against these conspiracies. Pakistan is an Islamic country but we have to beg for the protection of sanctity of Namoos-i-Risalat. It`s a matter of shame for all of us.

`This House demands from the federalgovernment to put an end to this practice and expose and strictly penalize the elements involved in the conspiracy.

`Moreover, Hindus, Sikhs and Christians are represented at the Minorities Commission and we have never objected to any of them because they don`t declare themselves as Muslims. We raise a voice for the rights of the minorities as enshrined in the Constitution.

`This House demands that if the chief of Qadianis submits in writing declaring that they accept the Constitution of Pakistan and accept their status as non-Muslims then we will have no objection to their inclusion into the Commission.`The issue of Khatm-e-Nabuwwat is a red line for us. Nothing is dearer to us than protection of Khatm-e-Nabuwwat, protection of Namoos-i-Risalat (SAW), protection of Namoos-i-Ashab-e-Rasool, protection of Namoos-i-Ahle Baet, and protection of Namoos-i-Ummahat al-Momineen (Rizwanullah Ajmaeen). We`re ready to sacrifice everything for it and none must have any qualms about it,` concludes the resolution.

Speaking to the participants, Speaker Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi said they all are the protectors of the honour of Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) and it is an integral part of the faith of every Muslim.