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Jail authorities told to allow Imran to meet friends, family

By Malik Asad 2023-08-13
ISLAMABAD: The Islamabad High Court (IHC) on Saturday directed the Attock Jail administration to provide PTI Chairman Imran Khan with `appropriate medical facilities` and allow him to hold meetings with friends and family as provided in the law.The court also asked jail officials to provide the former prime minister with a prayer mat and an English version of the Holy Quran.

IHC Chief Justice Aamer Farooq issued the order on a petition seeking better facilities, meeting rights and the shifting of Mr Khan from Attock Jail to Adiala Jail.

During the hearing, Punjab`s additional advocate general contendedThe court also asked jail officials to provide the former prime minister with a prayer mat and an English version of the Holy Quran.

IHC Chief Justice Aamer Farooq issued the order on a petition seeking better facilities, meeting rights and the shifting of Mr Khan from Attock Jail to Adiala Jail.

During the hearing, Punjab`s additional advocate general contended that under the relevant laws, the jail visit time was from Monday to Saturday from 8am to 2pm, which can be stretched to 3pm. It was submitted that any visitor after those hours is not permitted.

Mr Khan`s counsel argued that he was not being allowed home-cookerd food, was confined to a small cell and had been detained in Attock Jail so that Class B or better facilities could not be provided to him, as such facilities were unavailable at the jail.

However, jail officials apprised the court that Class A facilities had been done away with and Mr Khan was being provided with all the facilities he was entitled to and was being given food as per the jail menu, which was checked before being given to him to avoid any untoward situation.

In its written order, seen by Dawn, the court sought a report from the respondents on the `reasons which led to the petitioner`s confinement in Attock jail` instead of Adiala jail.Citing Rule 92 of the Pakistan Prison Rules 1978 (PPR), it noted that `every convicted prisoner is to be allowed a reasonable opportunity to interview his relatives, friends and legal advisors for the purpose of preparinghis appeal`.

`Every such interview is to be allowed within sight but out of hearing of the prison official supervising the interview.

`It seems that there is nothing on record which bars an interview with the prisoner more than once a week. The jail authorities shall provide a reasonable opportunity to the relatives/ friends/legal advisors of the petitioner to seek [an] interview,` the court said.

The jail authorities have been ordered to provide Mr Khan with a prayer mat and a copy of the English version of the Holy Quran and `appropriate medical facilities to cater [to] his health and wellbeing`.

The former PM should be provided with `all the facilities as per his entitlement` under the PPR.

The court has adjourned the hearing until next week.