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Colour TV from October

KARACHI: Karachi Television station will start telecasting in colour from October next, it was stated ... by the Managing Director of the PTC, Mr. Aslam Azhar. Talking to newsmen ... he said the necessary equipment for technical alterations and replacement of components ... has already been ordered. The working of the colour-television would already have started much earlier but for the recent Middle East war, he said.

He said Lahore Television will also start telecasting in colour immediately after KTV did so. The stationsinNWFPandBaluchistan will take a little longer as they have to be built from scratch. The colour service will initially be tried on foreign and local coloured films and will gradually cover all other programmes. He said special sets would be needed to receive programmes in colours. News agencies [Meanwhile, as reported by news agencies from London,] the Government today [Dec 12] ordered a State of National Emergency for a further one month period, giving itself powers, including possible use of troops, to deal with Britain`s deepening economic and industrial crisis. It did so after 34,000 locomotive drivers went on slowdown and `non-co-operation` campaign ... to back pay-hike demands.