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Insensitive society

I RECENTLY had a sad and bitter experience that gave me a real-life taste of lawlessness and corruption in the country as well as indifference and insensitivity in society. My uncle, a loving father and a responsible member of our family, lost his life in a tragic road accident.

What made the ordeal even more heartbreaking was the lack of assistance and response from the public and law-enforcement agencies. The incident occurred on Nov 6 in Karachi, and despite the presence of a large crowd on the spot, no one came forward to help my uncle after the accident.

The reluctance by the bystandersto assist my uncle can be attributed to thefearoflegalconsequences due to corruption in the system and complexities created by the relevant authorities. It is owing to fear of being trappedinthelegalprocessthateven those who want to help an injured opt to stay away. Even the ambulance that arrived on the spot promptly left upon realising that my uncle had already passed away.

The police response to the incident was sluggish and pathetic, to say the least. Many questions regarding the incident remain unanswered. This has left our family questioning the humanity in society. The plague of indifference has been really destroying social values and the moral fabric of society.

To add to our grief, there are numerous unanswered questions surrounding the incident. No one witnessed the person who hit my uncle, and there is no video footage or CCTV evidence.

As if all this was not enough, we had tobear theinsensitive behaviour exhibited by some individuals.

For instance, my uncle was returning home with a few things that he had bought for his family. All the items were taken away by police officials, and have not been returned to the family. This is sheer heartlessness.

In times like these, it becomes challenging to find solace and patience. The pain our family is enduring is unbearable. It seems that we are trapped in a frightening nightmare.

My uncle, who was only 35 years of age,hasleftbehind threeyoung daughters. His untimely demise has left these innocent souls without their father`s love and support.

The authorities should conduct a thorough and swift investigation into the incident.

I implore all my fellow citizens to show compassion and empathy. We should stand together in times of a tragedy. In essence, we should practise the inherent goodness of humanity in its true spirit.

Aisha Muhammad Arif` Karachi